
september 15 - 19

Monday 15

Session 1

Large surveys and key detailed observations.

Key question(s) – How can we use them to make progress in resolving the tension between theory and observations?

Session 2

High-z stars: observed and synthetic.

Key question(s) – How do you form Pop III / supermassive stars? What are the properties/feedback of Pop III / supermassive stars?

Tuesday 16

Session 3

Stellar evolution and atmosphere models: theory.

Key question(s) – What are recent advancements?

Session 4

Stellar evolution and atmosphere models: observations.

Key question(s) – How well do models stand-up against modern observations?

Wednesday 17

Session 5

Asteroseismology, spectropolarimetry, interferometry.

Key question(s) – How can these help us understand stellar interiors, magnetic fields, and mass loss?

Thursday 18

Session 6

Final products of massive stars.

Key question(s) – What can we learn from them?

Session 7

Population synthesis models.

Key question(s). What are new predictions from population synthesis models that fill the gap between theory and observations?

Friday 19

Session 8

Looking to the future and closing remarks.